Fights SWB with Justice and Beyond

ACV is fighting the Sewerage and Water Board with our coalition Justice and Beyond in NOLA. So far, we have won no shutoffs for elderly, disabled and very poor but we have to keep fighting. This Monday August 6th, 2018 4:45 pm Justice and Beyond will continue the fight to fix SWB meeting with the acting director of SWB at Cafe Istanbul in the Healing Center 2300 St Claude at St Roch.


Lanny Roy and the Lake Charles Housing Program

Written by Tarek Polite for A Community Voice Lake Charles Housing Program Curriculum Pack

Mr. Lanny Roy

A Community Voice-President

The ACV homebuyer education is a unique program.  The program was started over 25 years ago by Mr. Lanny Roy due to the lack of financial literacy in the low-income community. The program operates on a semester basis which is comprised of a six month period.  Classes are held monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Lake Charles city hall from 6:30pm-8:00pm.  A participant’s success is determined by their credit history demonstrated by a clean slate with all three major credit reporting bureaus and completion of all the courses taught during a semester. Upon completion of both of these requirements, participants receive a diploma demonstrating their completion of the program.  Generally, upon receiving their diploma, participants may be eligible for assistance with down payment and closing cost through the City of Lake Charles which is subject to fund availability.

Through this program countless numbers of individuals and families have successfully moved into homeownership.  Additionally for his work, Mr. Roy is known nationally and internationally having received numerous awards and accolades for his accomplishments working with low and minority communities for over 50 years as a community organizer and activist.


What Can We Do about Flooding?

A Community Voice Interviews Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Mark Schleifstein about what the future holds for us living here in Floodlandia and what the residents of New Orleans can do to deal with our next flood disaster.

ACV Interview with Mark Schleifstein

All podcasts of previous shows available here.

The ACV show airs every Tuesday at 630pm on WAMF LP New Orleans The Voice of the People on 90.3FM and streaming at


Action Alert: Save Medicaid and Health Care in Louisiana

Email all members of the ways and means committee and tell them you want them to fully fund our health care system and not cut Medicaid.  Please save our hospitals and clinics and do not let the elderly and disabled be displacement from their homes.

Find members of the Committee here

You can copy and paste these committee members’ emails below:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Fighting for Better Flood Protection

May 17th, 2018

Residents in the upper 9th ward come together to plan actions on what we need in our communities. One of the main issues we are dealing with is inadequate flood protection.

At the meeting, ACV  gathered a list of locations of standing water and inadequate drainage for a protest in 2 weeks.

We had a conference call with the Army Corps of Engineers about the midnight explosions along the Industrial Canal that residents fear is disturbing our flood walls, making New Orleans even more vulnerable to flooding.

Our Congressman, Cedric Richmond, has sent out letters on our behalf demanding answers. Copies of Letters

Please report areas of standing water, flooding and the dates and times you hear explosions along the industrial canal to


Save Moss Memorial Health Clinic in Lake Charles

Governor John Bel Edwards

Office of the Governor
PO Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70

CC: Senate Finance Committee

To: Governor John Bel Edwards,

Re: House Bill 1

We are writing to express our grave concerns about the proposed cuts in funding to the W.O. Moss Memorial Health Clinic.   Please veto this bill if it passes the legislature.

As you know, Governor Bobby Jindal privatized our charity care system and closed down W.O. Moss Memorial Hospital.  The closure of this hospital has adversely impacted the lives and health of Calcasieu parish residents.  As it is, the reductions affect many of us.  Those who can travel to Shreveport, like myself, have to pay for drivers and other costs of travel in addition to making the difficult trip itself.  Then, many are forced to pay to travel to other parts of the state.  All of us who travel and pay both financially and through physical hardship do this because health care is how we stay alive.  Our hospitals save our lives.

Closing down this clinic will remove the limited existing access to health care services, increase the cost to those who are already poor, including the elderly, disabled and families.

As lauded as has been the expansion of the petro chemical industry in Calcasieu, you know the increase in the sheer population of local residents has also increased the burden on our health care system, and we therefore require more health services, not less.


Lanny Roy


A Community Voice
